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Get all the latest news from the Astroverse.

  • Astro 3.4: Page Partials

    Astro 3.4 is now released with support for page partials, improved image optimization performance, and an early preview of a new dev overlay.

  • Astro 3.3: Picture component

    Astro 3.3 is out with a brand new, experimental Picture component, improved compatibility for syntax highlighting, and package provenance.

  • Astro @ ViteConf 2023

    See you at ViteConf! Hear from members of the Astro core team, alongside an amazing lineup of projects from the Vite ecosystem.

  • How Astro does i18n

    Leading open-source documentation with and for an international community.

  • Astro 3.0

    30% faster and more powerful than ever, Astro 3.0 is here! Includes new features and enhancements around View Transitions, Image Optimization, Fast Refresh JSX and more.

  • Vercel: Our Official Hosting Partner

    Vercel is Astro's new official hosting partner. To celebrate, we're launching new features for Astro users who deploy to Vercel's frontend cloud.