The web framework for content-driven websites
Astro powers the world's fastest marketing sites, blogs, e-commerce websites, and more.
npm create astro@latest

Used by some of the largest companies around the world:
Astro is a JavaScript web framework optimized for building fast, content-driven websites.
Astro improves website performance by rendering components on the server, sending lightweight HTML to the browser with zero unnecessary JavaScript overhead.
Astro was designed to work with your content, no matter where it lives. Load data from your file system, external API, or your favorite CMS.
Extend Astro with your favorite tools. Bring your own JavaScript UI components, CSS libraries, themes, integrations, and more.
Astro Islands
Islands optimize your website like no other web framework can. Leverage Astro's unique page load performance to improve conversion rates, Core Web Vitals, and SEO.
Real-World Core Web Vitals
Astro Core Web Vitals Passing
Gatsby Core Web Vitals Passing
WordPress Core Web Vitals Passing
Next.js Core Web Vitals Passing
Nuxt Core Web Vitals Passing
View the full dataset · Based on real-world performance data from HTTP Archive and the Chrome UX Report.
Zero Lock-in
Astro supports every major UI framework. Bring your existing components and take advantage of Astro's optimized client build performance.
---import BuyButton from '../components/BuyButton.jsx';import { getProductDetails } from "ecommerce-package";import ProductPageLayout from '../layouts/ProductPageLayout.astro';
const product = await getProductDetails(Astro.params.slug);---
<ProductPageLayout> <img src={product.imageUrl} alt={product.imageAlt} /> <h2>{}</h2> <BuyButton id={} client:load /></ProductPageLayout>

Snapback Cap
Fully Featured
Astro comes with everything you need to build a modern website. Need more? Extend Astro with integrations.
Content Collections
Organize your Markdown and MDX with built-in TypeScript type-safety and frontmatter validation.
Zero JavaScript, By Default
Astro only ships the JavaScript you need and automatically strips away the rest for a faster website.
View Transitions
Seamlessly morph, fade, and swipe across pages with built-in, browser-native View Transition APIs.
Wrap incoming requests with custom logic like authentication, logging, or data fetching.
Write type-safe backend functions that you can call directly from your frontend JavaScript client code.
Environment Variables
Avoid common configuration mistakes with a built-in API to manage your environment variables.
Deployment Adapters
Add an integration to instantly customize your project for Vercel, AWS, or your favorite hosting platform.
UI Integrations
Bring your favorite UI frameworks and component libraries with Astro's flexible island architecture.
Dev Toolbar
Extend your development environment with apps and integrations for the built-in development toolbar.
Get started faster with a pre-built website theme for Astro. Customize it to make it your own.
Start building with
Astro today
npm create astro@latest