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Get all the latest news from the Astroverse.

  • Astro 4.2

    Astro 4.2 is out now! This release includes two new experimental features to try out, improvements to accessibility rules, and more.

  • Astro 4.1

    Astro 4.1, our first release of the new year, is here! This release includes new accessibility audit rules, an extended `client:visible` directive, and more.

  • No More Bottlenecks

    How Thinkmill Reduced Dependencies on Senior Developers with Astro

  • Building a community of builders

    Today, we launch our newest initiative to recognize people in our community who go above and beyond, including our very own maintainers.

  • Astro 4.0

    Astro 4.0 is here! New APIs, faster builds, redesigned docs, and a unique new Dev Toolbar for Astro that enhances your local dev environment in new and exciting ways.

  • The $100,000 Astro Ecosystem Fund

    Astro — the web framework for building content-driven websites like blogs, marketing, and e-commerce — is giving away $100,000 to support other open-source projects in our ecosystem that improve the lives of Astro users everywhere, every day.

  • What's new in Astro - November 2023

    November: the month of migrating the Astro Docs to Starlight, 3 Starlight minor releases, new view transition events and more! Read more about what's new in Astro this month.

  • Astro 4.0 Beta Release

    The first Astro 4.0 beta release is now available for you to try out in any existing Astro project! Stay tuned for more information about the upcoming Astro 4.

  • Astro 3.5: i18n Routing

    Astro 3.5 is out! It includes experimental support for i18n routing, prefetch for speedier page loads, form support with ViewTransitions, image optimization improvements, and more.