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Get all the latest news from the Astroverse.

  • Astro 4.9

    Astro 4.9 is now available! This release includes the long-awaited Container API, stabilized experimental features, and more.

  • Astro 4.8

    Astro 4.8 is here! This release includes experimental support for Astro actions and request rewriting, performance improvements, and more.

  • Astro 4.7

    Astro 4.7 is out now! This release includes significant improvements to the API for making toolbar apps, a new way to keep yourself up to date, and more.

  • Astro 4.6

    Astro 4.6 is here! This release includes a new manual routing strategy for internationalization, the ability to move the dev toolbar, experimental support for CSRF protection, and more.

  • Astro DB: A Deep Dive

    Yesterday we launched a fully managed SQL database service designed exclusively for the Astro web framework. Let's dive into the implementation details of Astro DB: how it works, why we built it, and why we're adopting libSQL.

  • The Astro Developer Portal

    Today, we’re launching the Astro Developer Portal, a platform where theme authors can submit, manage, and promote their themes built for Astro.

  • Astro DB

    Astro DB is here! Astro DB is a fully managed SQL database designed exclusively for Astro. It is fast, lightweight, and ridiculously easy-to-use.

  • Astro 4.5

    Astro 4.5 is out! This release includes a new Dev Audit UI, View Transition improvements, Shiki 1.0, multi-CDN asset prefixing, and more!