A modern, responsive portfolio theme that replicates the macOS interface, featuring:
- OpenAI-powered terminal chat (requires your API key)
- Dynamic rotating wallpapers with smooth transitions
- Responsive dock with customizable shortcuts
- Mobile-optimized interface
- Built-in SEO optimization with @astrolib/seo
- Automated sitemap generation
- Customizable system prompts for AI responses
- TypeScript support
- Tailwind CSS styling
Getting Started:
- Clone the repository
- Add your OpenAI API key to .env
- Customize your information in the terminal prompts
- Add your own background images
- Update SEO metadata and social links
- @astrojs/react
- @astrojs/vercel
- @astrolib/seo
- @astrojs/sitemap
- Tailwind CSS
Tools used:
- Astro
- React
- TypeScript
- Tailwind CSS
- OpenAI API
- Portfolio
- Personal
- Interactive
- Full-site