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Free, customizable and production-ready template for Astro using Tailwind CSS.



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Deploy to Netlify

AstroWind is a Free, Customizable and Production-ready template for Astro using Tailwind CSS. Suitable for Startups, Small Business, SaaS websites, Professional Portfolios, Marketing websites, Landing Pages & Blogs.


Simplicity, Best Practices and High Performance


  • Build with TypeScript
  • Production-ready scores in PageSpeed Insights reports.
  • SEO-friendly
  • Responsive Design.
  • Integration with Tailwind CSS supporting Dark mode and RTL.
  • Highly Customizable.
  • Image Optimization (using new Astro Assets and Unpic for Universal image CDN).
  • Open Graph tags and dynamic OG image generation for social media sharing.
  • Sitemap
  • Analytics built-in
  • Blog with automatic RSS feed, MDX support, Categories & Tags, Authors, Social Share
  • Includes draft posts & pagination
  • A lot of Widgets: Heros, Features, FAQs, Pricing ...
  • Pages: Services, Pricing, About, Contact, Terms ...
  • Home Pages and Landing Pages: Startup, SaaS, Personal ...
  • Preconfigured for Decap CMS

This template was built with love by onWidget using Astro and Tailwind CSS.

For more information on how to get started and what tools were you please check out the official repository on GitHub.