A dedicated CMS for Astro DB. Built from the ground up by the Astro community.
A dedicated CMS for Astro DB. Built from the ground up by the Astro community.
The web development stack for astronauts with deadlines.
Makes it easy to add Thumbor optimized images to your Astro app.
astro dev toolbar button for screen recording
Astro i18n route generator.
Collection of configurable headers for astro
Browse Astro Content Collections, schemas and entry files in your browser
Astro component for cached icons
Provides cross languages breakpoints handlers for your app. SCSS mixin, JS hook and a DOM data attribute, all share the same responsive scale you choose to feed in.
Support AsciiDoc pages in Astro
Helper for Astro components to coerce class:list into an array of strings.
Astro components to enable DOM filtering of content within a page.
bash # install with npm npm i position-component # or yarn yarn create astro # or pnpm pnpm create astro@latest
Windi CSS + Astro Integrations
Astro component for easy integration of Umami analytics
Generate customizable user avatars with initials from names
Social images generator for Astro
Download Sanity File Assets to your Astro site
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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