Access thousands of icons as components on-demand in your astro projects.
Access thousands of icons as components on-demand in your astro projects.
Feather icons for Astro (based on svelte-feather-icons by dylanblokhuis)
A compact solution for SVG sprites in Astro projects. It automates symbol ID management, supports hot reloading, and generates optimized SVG sprites with minimal setup—ideal for seamless SVG icon integration.
A straight-forward Icon component for Astro.
AstroNicoEmbed allows easy embedding of Niconico Douga (ニコニコ動画) videos in Astro projects.
A plugin to prerender your SVG icons at compile time, rather than making the client fetch them during runtime.
Astro component to use Lucide icons
Astro component for cached icons
Astro component to show a WhatsApp fixed floating icon in your website.
Get your Lucide icons right into your Astro project
This is a fork of Astro Icon with @iconify/json as peer dependency.
This Astro integration provides a straight-forward Icon component for Astro.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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