What's new in Astro - September 2024

Sarah Rainsberger

Some exciting news from around the Astro ecosystem this month. Let’s dive in!

Updates from Mission Control



Astro wouldn’t be what it is without its community. From Discord support, to documentation improvements, to translations, to code contributions, Astro welcomes it all.

Community Awards August

These are some of the people who went above and beyond last month to make all our lives just a little (or a lot!) better:

  • 🌟 $500 to @Fryuni for amazing contributions to all corners of the Astro ecosystem.
  • 🚀 $250 to @ph1p for valuable contributions to Astro’s core packages.
  • 🎈 $250 to @dragomano for fantastic contributions to Starlight translations.
  • 🎊 $250 to @ArmandPhilippot for outstanding contributions to docs.
  • 🧁 $250 to @Nin3lee for exceptional effort translating docs.

Check them out and learn more about the Astro Community Awards on our community website.

$100,000 Astro Ecosystem Fund Fall Update

Congratulations to the latest recipients of Astro’s ecosystem grants! Check out these projects that have made a huge impact:

  • 🖌 @hippotastic ($10,000) for work on the Expressive Code advanced syntax highlighter that powers many Astro websites, and is built-in to Starlight by default!
  • 👜 @martrapp ($5,000) for work on VTBOT (View Transitions Bag of Tricks) exploring the bleeding edge of view transitions in Astro and the larger web platform, with pre-built components you can use, examples, demos and more!

Read the full Ecosystem Fund fall upate for more details.



Here’s what caught our attention this month:

Because you can never get tired of Astro, here’s even more community content!

Tips & Tools

The latest community-built utilities and integrations to help you build with Astro.

Themes & Templates

Several new Astro themes were added to the Astro theme directory this month. Try them out!


Looking for some inspiration? See all the community member websites submitted to our Discord #showcase channel and featured on community calls this month.

Starlight in the wild

It’s always exciting to stumble across more docs built with Starlight. Here’s what our community noticed this month:

Want to be on this list next month? Post your Astro websites, projects, apps, tools, blog posts, demos, and videos in our #showcase channel in our Discord!