@astrojs/tailwind Official
Use Tailwind CSS to style your Astro site
Use Tailwind CSS to style your Astro site
Use React components within Astro
This Astro integration provides a straight-forward `Icon` component for Astro.
Use Vue components within Astro
Use Svelte components within Astro
Use Preact components within Astro
Component to easily embed YouTube videos on your Astro site
Use Solid components within Astro
Astro integration for Pagefind static site search
Use Alpine within Astro
Component to easily embed Tweets on your Astro site
Astro components to easily embed common media formats
Component to easily embed Vimeo videos on your Astro site
Component to embed a website’s OpenGraph image and metadata on your Astro site
🗜️ Compress —
Component to easily embed the Baseline status of a web feature on your Astro site
Component to embed a fully-styled Bluesky post with no client-side JavaScript in your Astro site
A flexible and customizable library for rendering Portable Text content in your Astro projects
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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