A server-side-rendered charting library for Astro.
A server-side-rendered charting library for Astro.
Allows your Astro project to automatically generate a manifest of your assets.
Astro wrapper to use the Podmind widget
Add libSQL and Astro Studio support to your Astro site
Secure centralized secret management for Astro using Infisical
Provides useful code generation for where you need to pass serializabled data. Very useful for:
a simple analytics package for Astro
bash # install with npm npm i position-component # or yarn yarn create astro # or pnpm pnpm create astro@latest
Astro integartion for image optimization and art direction for static builds
Better Debug component for Astro built on top of poppinss/dumper
Astro component for static rendering of commands. This allows you build components in any language.
Astro components to enable DOM filtering of content within a page.
This Astro integration provides a straight-forward Icon component for Astro.
Astro component for TEI as Custom Elements with React support
A fail-safe way to ingest your project content.
package to provide svg from tex in astro
Deploy your site to a Deno server
Set of components for Data Kata ecosystem
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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