astro-toast is a simple library for displaying toasts on your website.
astro-toast is a simple library for displaying toasts on your website.
Astro component for SVG icons
Use your Obsidian Vault in Astro projects
Deploy your site to Azure using SWA
This Adapter allows Astro to deploy your SSR site to Lambda@Edge Lambda target.
This package lets you load mock data into your Astro content collections. It can be used alongside a real loader to mock out data that is not available in development, or it can be used as a standalone source of data. It is based on [faker.js](https://git
An Astro component that returns a random greeting in a random language
The web development stack for astronauts with deadlines.
Astro component to display a print-friendly and minimalist CV inspired by BartoszJarocki/cv
astro dev toolbar button for screen recording
Astro plugin to import org-mode files.
A List component for your project with svg elements.
Helper for Astro components to coerce class:list into an array of strings.
Pair of beautiful Astro components in Geensnor style
Type-safe i18n integration for Astro which translates in runtime
Accessible theme switcher for Astro
The global variable integration for Astro 🌐
Supabase toolbar for Astro
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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