Astro loader for loading GitHub pull requests with a search query.
Astro loader for loading GitHub pull requests with a search query.
Make sure you never leak security-sensitive code to the browser.
A zero-dependency responsive masonry layout component for Astro with minimal setup
Bundle of website development and technology icons
Simple lightbox component.
Add Netlify CMS’s admin dashboard to your Astro project
AstroJS utility to resolve ES6 import/export for client side JavaScript
This Astro integration generates preview images for external links.
Astro + eleventy-img
Interactive CLI for create @QwikDev/astro projects.
A content loader for Astro that uses the PocketBase API
A drop-in replacement for Astro's default image service, with art direction support.
plugin-astro-content is an Astro.glob() alternative #withastro
Astro loading icons and small animations built with pure SVG.
Download images at build time! Supports Iconify icons and arbitrary images.
Allows Astro to run your SSR site with the Bun's native API Bun.serve.
Use Bau within Astro
Use Typst within Astro
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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