Critical css integration for astro to inline above-the-fold css into HTML
Critical css integration for astro to inline above-the-fold css into HTML
Add aliasing support to Astro, JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS files from tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json
<h3 align="center"> <img src="" width="100" alt="Logo"/><br/> <img src="
Astro integration to automatically convert bare links into link cards.
Warp-drive search for Astro sites using Pagefind
This package is designed to eliminate confusion caused by the default naming convention, which names files after their entry points.
A utility function is used to build declaration files for use with Astro's injectTypes function added in the astro:config:done Integration Hook in Astro 4.14.0.
Use the Astro Simple Analytics Plugin to quickly integrate Simple Analytics in your Astro project with parameter control over several features.
Generate optimal font subsets for your Astro-powered websites
Astro integration and utilities to help you generate OpenGraph images using satori.
Use Typst within Astro
Generate OG images from a static folder and / or a middleware. Extract metadata from HTML pages. No headless browser involved. Comes as a CLI, API or plugins.
Adds a Cloudinary image component to Astro
AstroJS utility to resolve ES6 import/export for client side JavaScript
A seamless integration for injecting Google Tag Manager snippets into Astro projects, supporting popular web analytics tools.
This is a template for an Astro component library. Use this template for writing components to use in multiple projects or publish to NPM.
Use Web Workers in Astro
Astro component to display a print-friendly and minimalist CV inspired by BartoszJarocki/cv
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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