Server component for Astro (call server functions from client side with validation and state management)
Server component for Astro (call server functions from client side with validation and state management)
astro-core is a collection of core Astro components designed to streamline asset management and simplify form creation in your Astro projects, among other features. These components provide a flexible, powerful set of tools for handling images, videos,
Generate a security.txt file for your Astro site
A seamless integration for injecting Google Tag Manager snippets into Astro projects, supporting popular web analytics tools.
Astro integration to ease the use of PocketBase in your Astro projects
A simple Astro integration to generate PDFs from built pages
Use Bau within Astro
An Astro integration to automatically get typed links to your pages.
🎯 Set redirect urls in your frontmatter within your Astro site's Markdown files. Mimics the behavior of jekyll-redirect-from.
A document head manager for astro.
Add Netlify CMS’s admin dashboard to your Astro project
Higher level extension over Astro's official sitemap integration
Tiny set of tools to implement internationalization for Astro
Multi-layer file overrides from local directory, git or npm package. Works similarly to Nuxt Layers.
Critical css integration for astro to inline above-the-fold css into HTML
Astro loader for loading GitHub pull requests with a search query.
Astro integration to generate page screenshots for Veeva CRM thumbnails
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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