What's new in Astro - August 2024

Sarah Rainsberger

Some exciting news from around the Astro ecosystem this month. Let’s dive in!

Updates from Mission Control



Astro wouldn’t be what it is without its community. From Discord support, to documentation improvements, to translations, to code contributions, Astro welcomes it all.

Astro Team News

We are pleased to welcome our newest Astro maintainer @LorenzoLewis! Thank you for your contributions and camaraderie, and welcome aboard, astronaut! 🫡

Community Awards July

These are some of the people who went above and beyond last month to make all our lives just a little (or a lot!) better:

  • 🌟 $500 to @Thomas for outstanding efforts in docs/translations.
  • 🚀 $250 to @kian for friendly support to Starlight users.
  • 🎈 $250 to @Mayank for valuable contributions to RFC proposals.
  • 🎊 $250 to @HenriFournier for exceptional leadership in support.
  • 🧁 $250 to @AdamMattheisen for enthusiastic community building.

Check them out and learn more about the Astro Community Awards on our community website.



Here’s what caught our attention this month:

Because you can never get tired of Astro, here’s even more community content!

Tips & Tools

The latest community-built utilities and integrations to help you build with Astro.

  • Astrobook - A minimal UI component playground that supports multiple frameworks including React, Vue, Preact, Svelte, Solid, Lit, and Astro. It offers a unified environment to develop, test, and showcase components.
  • create-krew - A CLI tool to quickly set up an Astro project with GitHub repository, Vercel deployment, and CI/CD pipeline.
  • Bag of Tricks: <InspectionChamber /> - Adds a control panel that you can use to examine your view transition animations.
  • stripe-astro-loader - Fetch data from the Stripe API and use it in Astro collections.
  • Chuck Norris facts content loader - You knew someone was going to do it!
  • @jcayzac/astro-build-cache - A simple build cache for artifacts you may be generating during an Astro build.
  • @jcayzac/astro-classlist - A small utility to coerce/sanitize class:list when you want to pass it to a child component.
  • notion-astro-loader - Load pages from a Notion database then render them as pages in a collection.
  • DatoCMS Astro starter kit
  • astro-loader-gather - A loader for Astro’s Content Layer similar to the built-in glob loader with some extensions for extracting metadata from filesystem paths.
  • mdxtree - A Rust command-line tool that generates a file tree structure in MDX format for use with Astro’s Starlight components.
  • astro-social-share - v2.0! Social media share buttons for your Astro site.
  • astro-dump - A better debugging experience.
  • astro-console-cleaner - An Astro integration that removes console.log, console.warn, and console.error statements from your code during the build process.
  • Astro Breadcrumbs - A configurable breadcrumb component for Astro.
  • Astroboard - Astroboard is an Umbraco dashboard to get insights of your contents, assets and members.
  • Inox Tools: Request State - Share request state between components both and from server to client.
  • Inox Tools: Request Scoped Nano Stores - Enable Nano Stores to be used on the server and retain their server value on the client.
  • Inox Tools: Content Git Authors - Retrieve Git authors and co-authors involved in writing content collection entries.

Themes & Templates

Several new Astro themes were added to the Astro theme directory this month. Try them out!

Also check out:

simple-blog-with-tina - An Astro + TinaCMS demo with live editing


Looking for some inspiration? See all the community member websites submitted to our Discord #showcase channel and featured on community calls this month.

Starlight in the wild

It’s always exciting to stumble across more docs built with Starlight. Here’s what our community noticed this month:

Want to be on this list next month? Post your Astro websites, projects, apps, tools, blog posts, demos, and videos in our #showcase channel in our Discord!